Water treatment
Raw water is natural water found in our environment, like rainwater, ground water, and water from lakes, rivers and sea. Almost all raw water requires treatment before the water can be further treated in most pure water treatment systems.
Bernoulli Filter reduces the load of suspended solids
The type and extent of a pretreatment system will depend on the type of source, i.e. well water, open sea, surface water. The major difference is not only the feed water composition, but also water quality variability by seasonal factors, climate conditions and/or activates on the surface waters. The pretreatment system can include various types of pretreatment equipment to remove suspended solids, dissolved solids and other contamination harmful to the pure water treatment system.
The primary objective of pretreatment of raw water is to make the feed water compatible with the pure water treatment systems. Membrane systems of differing types (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis (RO)) require pretreatment to increase the efficiency and life expectancy of the membrane elements by minimizing fouling scaling and degradation of the membrane.
The pretreatment systems can be chemical, mechanical or a combination thereof, the Bernoulli Filter is an excellent mechanical filter for reducing the load of suspended solids in raw water down to 100 micron.
Eren Enerji
Since 2010, the company ZETES (Zonguldak Eren Termik Santrali) owned by EREN (Eren Enerji Elektrik Üretim A.S.) has operated a coal-fired power plant including one unit of 160 MW (ZETES-1) and two units of 615 MW (ZETES-2) in Catalagzi, Turkey.
The sea water treatment plant at ZETES has been built by Aquamatch Türkiye on turnkey bases. This is one of the biggest desalination and demineralization plant in Turkey and consists of Ultrafiltration, Sea Water Reverse Osmosis, Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis and Mixbed Demineralization systems.