The Bernoulli Principle
Bernoulli System pioneered the application of the Bernoulli Principle, named after the Swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli, to water filtration. The distinguishing feature of a Bernoulli Filter is a disc mounted on a pneumatic cylinder, which enables contactless cleaning of the filter. The cleaning sequence itself is automatic and continuous, requiring no manual intervention.
A.The flushing sequence is initiated by a timer setting or triggered by a differential pressure sensor before any blockage of the filter basket causes flow reduction.
B.In the pre-flushing stage, the flushing valve opens and larger particles are flushed out.
C.During the flushing sequence, a specially shaped flushing disc mounted on a pneumatic cylinder enters the filter basket and creates a gap between the disc and the filter basket.
D.As the flow velocity increases locally around the disc, the static pressure is reduced in accordance with the Bernoulli Principle and the direction of the flow is reversed, thus releasing particles which are stuck to the surface of the filter basket.
E.The released particles are led out from the filter through the flushing outlet.
The Bernoulli Principle
The distinguishing feature of a Bernoulli Filter is a disc mounted on a pneumatic cylinder, which enables contactless cleaning of the filter. The cleaning sequence itself is automatic and continuous, requiring no manual intervention.
About Bernoulli
Bernoulli Systems supplies filter solutions within two main application segments; protection of process equipment and water treatment. Nearly a fourth of all Bernoulli Filters are installed in Power Plants followed by industrial segments HVAC, petrochemical, chemicals and fish farms in descending order.
Bernoulli Filters can be found all over the world, in over 80 countries, covering all continents. Bernoulli System has a global network of sales representatives and service technicians to assist customers with technical filter solutions and routine maintenance as well as emergencies.
Our Vision
Our vision is what we want to be and how we want to be perceived. It is what we aspire to. It inspires and motivates us.
We contribute to a sustainable use of the world’s water supplies.
Our Mission
Our mission is our reason for being, what we do on a daily basis to fulfil our vision.
We work for and with our customers to provide filter solutions which enables the use of water from natural sources such as sea, lake and river, in industrial cooling water systems and water treatment systems.
We are committed to continual innovation, understanding customer needs in order to offer cost saving design and solutions.
We believe in responsible industry leadership, creating profitable growth in harmony with sustainable development.
Our History
Bernoulli System AB was founded in 1986, under the name Seacool AB. The objective was to design and develop sea water cooling systems. At the time, corrosion resistant titanium had become popular in plate heat exchangers and the pipe systems were often built in plastic material. However, automatic filters were still built in materials susceptible to corrosion. Effective filtration is vital to prevent plate heat exchangers from fouling and clogging.
At that time, it was known that a flow along a perforated basket could remove debris stuck to the basket. This was different to earlier back flushing principle by changing flow direction for a filter basket. The theory behind this observation is explained by the Bernoulli’s theorem of energy conservation. A velocity increase causes a pressure drop as total energy remains constant.
The automatic filter with a cleaning function based on the Bernoulli’s theorem was a result of two years of research work during the end of 1980’s. The idea was from the beginning to develop a filter in plastic materials that could be resistant to seawater. One goal was to design filters that should work for years with minimum maintenance. The automatic control should be simple. Particularly the smaller filters should be pipe mounted supported only by the connecting pipes. The product was named Bernoulli Filter by its original inventor Seacool AB. In 1998 Seacool AB change company name to Bernoulli System AB.
In 2012 Bernoulli System acquired one of its main sub suppliers, Peotek Glasfiberprodukter AB. The GRP production unit was part of the business until 2015 when the production unit was closed down. The Bernoulli Filter is a product Made in Sweden with R&D and manufacturing site located to our facility in Lund.